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Margot Lambregts & Amanda Speekenbrinck:
When you enter the door...

About the workshop
When working with trauma you often come across the door. What do you do?Do you open it? Do you go inside? What do you see? Wat does the other see?Are you and the other embodied? Mutual? Connected? Here? There? Now?Then? And what if the door closes?

In this workshop we will take you through some practical theory of trauma,building the playspace, holding the playspace and building it up again. Let'splay and figure out how to be and stay connected with yourself and the otheraround trauma.
About the speakers
Amanda works as a dramatherapist in her own practice in Utrecht (NL). Sheworks with survivors of sexual abuse in individuals and group sessions. Ondifferent levels, on social media, in training, workshops and readings, hermission is to make and keep the topic alive.

Margot works in child and youth psychiatry in Amersfoort (NL). Within herwork she is often focused on attachment and trauma. She provides individualtherapy, in groups and with the (foster) parents.Together they provide monthly in the Netherlands a playground for DvT playors and combined their forces for a therapy group for adults with ahistory of sexual abuse.
Recent publications and conference presentations
Podcast 'Van shit naar pit' with Amanda Speekenbrink about DvT after sexual abuse.
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