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Marc Willemsen & Viktor Dočkal:
Speaking Silence.
Shaken and stirred by stilness in the playspace
About the workshop
When we come upon interactional silence, we often fill or break it. Maybe because it presents an absence of structure and direction in the (dramatic) conversation. Or that it signals a lack of engagement or a loss of connection.
But what do we notice when we pause and playfully explore moments of silence or silences? We may learn something about how we tend to grid silence. We may also notice how ambiguous it is and how it expresses lots of different states such as joy, happiness, confidence, reflection, hate, sadness, grief, embarrassment, shame, guilt, anger, denial, insecurity, fear, confusion, beingoverwhelmed, dissociation, love, devotionor 'just' (embodied) presence. Perhaps it also indicates that spoken words in that moment are not wanted, necessary or for various reasons possible. How it displays a wall to hide behind and reveals power or powerlessness.
In this workshop we will offer an explorative non-verbal (play-) space. In which we will examine if purposely varielation and cross-modal interaction helps us to track and 'translate' interactional silences?In a trifling and vain attempt to become as adept at reading(and relating to)silences as at interpreting many other languages in and outside the playspace.
Do not expect to retract
About the speakers
Marc Willemsen, MA, is a registered dramatherapist and a senior lecturer at the HU University of Applied Sciences in the Netherlands and connected to KenVaK. He initiated the shared practice Het Speelvlak and joined 1nP. He is a graduate of the Institute for Developmental Transformations, a registered psychodramatherapist, supervisor and group-therapist. He is an EFD board member and training director of DvT Netherlands North.
Viktor Dočkal, MgA, Dramatherapist, DvT graduated practitioner, mentor-supervisor (ČIS/EASC). Lives in Prague, CzechRepublic. Leads the traininggroups focused on Developmental Transformations (DvT) method. Co-director of the Institute DADA Extraart, z.s.( Board member of the Creatheas, z.s.-representing professional Associations of Creative Arts Therapies in CzechRepublic.
Recent publications and conference presentations
Marc Willemsen
Willemsen, M., Abeling-Boselie,D. (2021).MOOV-on. Workshop op het Symposium‘ Onderzoek naar vaktherapie: De oogst van het laatste decennium’, Lectoraat Vaktherapie Hogeschool Zuyd en KenVaK, Heerlen.
Willemsen,M.,Beetz,S.(2021). Ruimte om te spelen. Van (innerlijke) gestolde monologen naar bewegelijke dialogen. Workshop op de landelijke 1nP dag ‘Van binnen naar buiten’, 1nP, Leiden.
Willemsen,M.(2021). Playing with the anticipation of harm in the continuing suspense of the unfolding unknown or the omnipresence of Godot. Workshopoponline-conferentie Waiting for Godot, European Federation of Dramatherapy, Praag, Tsjechië.
Sajnani, N., Butler, J., Willemsen, M. (2021). What-the-hell-are-we-doing? A confuZ-ing overview of the benefits of Developmental Transformations (DvT). Workshop op de eerste virtuele DvT conferentie ‘Con’fuZing’, DvTIsrael, Israel.
Wells, B., Willemsen, M., Zehavi,G.,(2021). Digital Docking. Workshop op de eerste virtuele DvT conferentie ‘Con’fuZing’, DvT Israel, Israel.
Ponstein, A., Schweizer, C., Willemsen, M., Hooren, S. van (2021). KenVaK in beeld & beeld van KenVaK, Tijdschrift voor vaktherapie, 17:1, 20-26.
Willemsen, M.(2020). Reclaiming the body and restoring a bodily self in drama therapy: A case study of sensory-focused Trauma-Centred Developmental Transformations for survivors of father-daughterincest. DramaTherapyReview, 6:2, 203-219.
Pénzes, I., Willemsen, M. (2020). MOOV-On: Openstellen en verduurzamen van state of the art onderwijs onderzoekend vermogen in het vaktherapeutisch onderwijs. Tijdschrift voor vaktherapie, 16:1, 12-13.
Viktor Dočkal
Dočkal V., (2021) Getting stuck in ... where?Paper presentattion, DvTconferentie ‘Con’fuZing’, DvT Israel, Israel.
Organizer of the EFDConference, (2021) Who is Godot-European Federation of Dramatherapy Conference, Prague, Czechrepublic
Dočkal, V.,(2021) Paraddivadelní přístupy vs. Dramaterapie + Úvod do Dramaterapie - series of lectures for The Academy of Performing Arts in Prague
Dočkal, V.(2022) Úvod do Dramaterapi, využití prvků dramaterapie vrehabilitaci -lecture + workshop, First Fakulty o fMedicine, Charles Univesiti, Prague
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